April: The School Sessions!
Family photo sessions are so important. They might not happen every year, but I especially think that families with young children ought to take photos every few years at least. This is the time of life that you are busy and on the go alll the time, so photos are a wonderful chance to slow it down and spend some fun time with just your family! Not only that, but your kids are growing and changing in their interests and personalities on the daily, so every once in a while it is great to capture them in who they are today. (Calen is all about trucks these days. Josie finally learned to read and loves it! Zachary went to science camp and loves doing "experiments"…our kitchen is always a mess but he's learning & loving it, so it's worth it! Katie is 5 months old—growing fast!)
Because I love family sessions, and because the School Sessions is an amazing cause, and because my time as an almost-college-graduate (AHHH!) is very limited, I'm specifically offering family sessions Easter weekend. [Friday afternoon/evening and during the day Saturday, April 3 & 4th, 2014.] If you're interested in more details, shoot me an email or inquiry!
Also this doesn't have to be exclusively family sessions! If you're a high school senior this year and still need photos, or you're wanting some couples engagement photos, that works too! ;)