Des Moines Wedding Photographer

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Grinnell Wedding Photographer || Sophie and Jesse

Sophie and Jesse are the kind of people that you immediately feel at home with. They invite you in to their lives with kindness, the rare kind that starts with growing up in small town Iowa & ends with the never-ending love of Jesus. Sophie was a friend of mine during my years at ISU as a student, always willing to share her life and her time over a cup of tea. Jesse might seem quiet at first, but he's really full of great stories of adventure and even greater (& deeper) thoughts. These two have a passion to love those around them, and I'm thrilled to see how their marriage only grows and refines that desire! Jesse and Sophie marry this weekend, and it will be the most joyous of days. 

Jesse's family owns a bit of land around Grinnell, so the three of us adventured around the creek, "tree number one and two," the old cabin, and a wholeeee lot of wild parsnip (!!!!!) to make some memories and take engagement photos. Here are a few of my favorites:)