Des Moines Wedding Photographer

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Des Moines Christian Senior Photos // Class of 2021 // Kennedy

Kennedy’s email popped into my email inbox back in March. I love a senior-to-be who is on top of things, and excited about their senior portraits! We grabbed coffee at Smokey Row, and chatted about all the ideas the two of them had for Kennedy’s photos. Months rolled by, slowly at first, and then lightning fast once summer hit! Finally, we had a scheduled date & the perfect evening.

Kennedy attends DMCS and is involved in theatre, and used to be a dancer. She’s got a smile that brightens up any day! And although she protested “unphotogenic” I told her I don’t believe such a word exists. ;) We started out downtown, of course snagging some photos on a rooftop, and adventured through random parking lots and abandoned buildings. We ended the evening at Gray’s Lake for the last few golden drops of sunset. Kennedy is a blast to hang out with and I look forward to finishing her seniors soon!