It’s the month of all things Thankful and I’m just incredibly FULL of gratitude for the past year of business that I’ve had. To pass on my thanks to all who have booked me in 2019, and to celebrate all the friends and couples i know who have gotten engaged in the past couple of months (and who are planning 2020 weddings!) I’m running a limited time offer special for couples booking wedding photography in the state of Iowa! The best part? Even if you aren’t getting married this coming year, you can cash in on this!! Keep on reading to find out more.

romantic wedding photography in Iowa des moines and central area

Have you ever heard that the strongest form of marketing is word of mouth? It’s 100% true! That means that referrals keep small businesses alive and going. In fact, I now have switched to a locally owned, incredible cosmetic company mainly because one of my best friends suggested it. (Check out Root here! Not sponsored, just love it. Plus I’ve linked my referral code, so you get 10% off if you use it… and I’ll get points if you spend $30!) And I’ve also discovered my favorite local coffee shop due to, you guessed it again, a friend’s recommendation.

romantic wedding details film style photography des moines iowa

I love supporting other local businesses, and thanks to social media, we can also use apps like Yelp or even Google Maps to find out more about locally owned businesses. Clients who leave kind and glowing reviews of a business are guaranteed a place in that person’s heart forever. You can find reviews by past couples on my wedding wire account, and it just makes me weepy to think that people appreciate and enjoy my creations!

Word of mouth is pretty much like a review, but better. Because usually, you know or trust the person with whom the discussion takes place. It’s SO much stronger than even a written review! Isn’t that incredible?! And in an area like Des Moines, where wedding photographers abound, word of mouth referrals are better than gold.

jess and sean married at harpors vineyard gorgeous wedding day
downtown iowa des moines wedding photographers amelia renee

Running a business is a challenge, as I’m sure you can imagine! Joys abound, like traveling and spending time with friends on the happiest days of their lives, but there’s also the actual business side. You know, money. ;) It’s been such a blessing to be full time with this job in 2019! Each year, however, is a fresh start. And I’m always praying and hoping for the perfect, best clients to spend my weekends with. Right now, I still have about 50% openings for weddings and know that October-December is “engagement season”. Which means that November is the perfect time to be thinking about who you want to spend your wedding day with you, camera in hand. I hope to be that gal!

This is not just about money— don’t be fooled! I’ll do whatever needed to pay the bills. This promotion is about growing and keeping connections that I’ve built in the past! It means SO much more to me to have past couples or friends refer new ones to me. It’s like getting to meet your college bestie’s friends from high school. Pretty soon, you all feel like family. ;)

couple laughing wedding day rain

SO, to celebrate 2019, and to make more friends in 2020, I’m offering a one time deal! If you refer your engaged friends or family to me, and I’m open and able to book them, you’ll be eligible for a complementary session in the Des Moines, Iowa area. Tell them to use the code “GRATEFUL2020” in their email through the end of the month, and to mention you by name (and drop your email address in there, too!). You can then pick from a few options: a business/headshot session, in-home/lifestyle session, or portrait/family session. Sessions must take place in the Des Moines metro area, and will open January 2020 and must be completed by August 31, 2020. Sessions will run approximately 30 minutes long, and edited digital files will be included.

amelia renee photography des moines Iowa wedding

Cheers to the rest of 2019! May it be full of joy and sunny days, of laughter and warm hugs, and sweet holidays. Let’s not forget to enjoy it as we eagerly anticipate a new year ahead. :)
