Des Moines Wedding Photographer

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Kacie // Des Moines Dance Senior Photographers

I’ve known Kacie since childhood, so spending some quality time with her and getting to photograph her senior portraits just made my summer extra special! Kacie’s a super empathetic and brave young woman. She’s walked through some tough things and been vulnerable about that to those who know her. She’s also amazingly talented at SO MUCH, including art (she plans to study it!) and dance and 4H projects & raising cattle! It’s truly such an honor to know this lady. We also had to reschedule her seniors a few times due to some craziness in life, and I’m really thankful that her mom was willing to make it work. It’s a two hour drive from where they live, but we found some really great spots & I’m proud of what we created together!

Kacie, I love ya! It was so fun having you be on my senior model team for 2020. Thanks for being a willing smile and such a wonderful human. I’m so thankful for your life, and can’t wait to see what incredible things God does through you as you graduate high school this spring and head off to university!


the following photo is probably one of my top favs from Kacie’s senior photos!

Thanks for reading! I’m opening up spots for my Class of 2021 senior model team- and if you live anywhere in Iowa, I’d love to have you join. Open to guys and girls, with more details to be announced next month! :) Shoot me an email here if you’re interested.