Getting to photograph seniors is one of the great joys of my life!!! Portrait photography has always been my heartbeat, and seniors were a huge part of my starting the journey towards running my own photo business. Each high school senior brings unique qualities, vibes, and personality to their session and I always try to honor who they are as a human. It definitely helps when we “click” over activities!! So, when Shia and I finally got to meet for the first time in June, it was fun to connect over our love for Mamma Mia, books, thrifting, and summertime!

Shia’s mom booked us an hour at the incredible Salisbury House in the heart of the woods in Des Monies, where we milled around (and I secretly pretended that we live in the 1800s hehe). Shia was nervous, but she did SO well and I don’t think anyone will ever know except for that I just wrote it out!

After Salisbury, we headed to Water Works for some more nature-inspired portraits and ended the night with the most fun outfit EVER!! Just you wait… :)

girl standing in doorway in sunlight salisbury house des moines iowa senior photos
girl standing in doorway in sunlight salisbury house des moines iowa senior photos
girl standing in doorway salisbury house des moines iowa senior photos
girl standing in doorway in sunlight salisbury house des moines iowa senior photos
girl standing under trees salisbury house des moines iowa senior photos
girl standing under trees salisbury house des moines iowa senior photos
girl standing under trees salisbury house des moines iowa senior photos
water works park amphitheater senior photos
water works park amphitheater senior photos
water works park  senior photos
water works park  senior photos
water works park  senior photos
water works park  senior photos shia
water works park  senior photos
